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I used to hate myself
Here's my story. I used to hate myself bcs I'm not perfect. I don't have a perfect nose, perfect face, perfect skin, perfect eyes like a doll, perfect hair, perfect shape of body, talent, and many more. I really hate myself for everything that I've done in past, for all my stupidness, wrong decision that I took, time that I wasted. I thought when everybody left me, or did something bad to me, bcs my imperfections, I wonder if I had pretty face like barbie everybody would love me and everything will easier. But I was wrong. If they want to leave, they will leave. No matter how perfect you are. We don't have changes ourselves just to make people love us or stay in our life, bcs in reality, the real one will stay forever no matter you are perfect or not. They will accept for who you are, fill your minus with their positive and vice versa, always support and never get you down in purpose. They will never ask for your perfectness bcs no one perfect in this life, if you're looking for perfection, you will never find it. Don't treat people based on their face, pretty or not pretty, rich or miskin, we are all same, just human being and will back to the creator someday. From me, who ever underestimated by society bcs I thought I wasn't pretty, and now I'm still not pretty and I don't care at all if someone hates me, this is me:)

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